
We have put together some calculators to help you make sense of the numbers.

Standard calculator icon

Standard Calculator

Calculate monthly payments of how much your home will cost you with this calculator.

Affordabilityd calculator icon

Affordability Calculator

By using a simple formula you can get an idea of how much house you can afford.

Mortgage Refinance Calculator icon

Refinance Calculator

This calculator will help you to decide whether or not you should refinance your current mortgage at a lower interest rate.

Amortization Calculator icon

Amortization Calculator

See the principal balance change as payments are made. This will show you how much you will owe on your house in "X" amount of years.

Are you ready to get started?

Talk to any of our experienced and licensed Mortgage Advisors who can answer all your questions, provide you with rate quotes and help you find the best loan suitable for you. Call today 425-659-3388 or

Loan Zilla Provides Home Loans Throughout Washington

Here are some nearby areas close to our office, but we proudly serve the entire state of Washington:

Ballard Bellevue Bothell Carnation Clyde Hill Cottage Lake Duvall Eastside Edmonds Fremont Green Lake Issaquah Juanita Kenmore Kirkland Lake City Lake Forest Park Magnolia Medina Monroe Mountlake Terrace Mukilteo Northgate Redmond Sammamish Seattle Shoreline University District Woodinville Yarrow Point